scReadSim for 10x scATAC-seq from multiple samples

This tutorial demonstrates the application of scReadSim generating synthetic reads for scATAC-seq from multiple samples/conditions. For simplicity, we chose two of 10x datasets as the input multi-samples for this tutorial illustration. The datasets we chose include

This tutorial’s main steps and corresponding estimated time usage are as follows (tested on a server with the 256x Intel Xeon Phi CPU 7210 at 1.30 GHz):

  • Step 1: Import packages and data files: < 1 min

  • Step 2: Generate features: < 1 min

  • Step 3: Generate real count matrices: ~ 3 mins

  • Step 4: Simulate synthetic count matrix: ~ 5 mins

  • Step 5: Output synthetic read: ~ 3 mins

By default, this tutorial uses Python (Python >= 3.8). However, we also include code chunks using bash commands to preprocess necessary files. To avoid users’ confusion, bash commands start with a symbol $. We also indicate when a following code chunk is using bash commands.

Required softwares for scReadSim

scReadSim requires users to pre-install the following softwares:

Depending on users’ choices, the following softwares are optional:

Pre-process BAM file before scReadSim

Note: This tutorial does not need this pre-process step since the processed BAM file is provided by the scReadSim package (see below Step 1: Import packages and data files).

Input BAM file for scReadSim needs pre-processing to add the cell barcode in front of the read name. For example, in 10x sequencing data, cell barcode TGGACCGGTTCACCCA-1 is stored in the field CB:Z:TGGACCGGTTCACCCA-1.

The following code chunk (bash commands) outputs a read record from the original BAM file.

$ samtools view unprocess.bam | head -n 1
A00836:472:HTNW5DMXX:1:1372:16260:18129      83      chr1    4194410 60      50M     =       4193976 -484    TGCCTTGCTACAGCAGCTCAGGAAATGTCTTTGTGCCCACAGTCTGTGGT   :FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF      NM:i:0  MD:Z:50 AS:i:50 XS:i:0  CR:Z:TCCGGGACAGCTAACA   CY:Z:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:   CB:Z:TGGACCGGTTCACCCA-1 BC:Z:AAACTCAT        QT:Z::FFFFFFF   RG:Z:e18_mouse_brain_fresh_5k:MissingLibrary:1:HTNW5DMXX:1

The following code chunk (bash commands) adds the cell barcodes in front of the read names.

$ # extract the header file
$ mkdir tmp
$ samtools view unprocess.bam -H > tmp/unprocess.header.sam

$ # create a bam file with the barcode embedded into the read name
$ time(cat <( cat tmp/unprocess.header.sam ) \
 <( samtools view unprocess.bam | awk '{for (i=12; i<=NF; ++i) { if ($i ~ "^CB:Z:"){ td[substr($i,1,2)] = substr($i,6,length($i)-5); } }; printf "%s:%s\n", td["CB"], $0 }' ) \
 | samtools view -bS - > processed.bam)
$ rm -dr tmp

$ samtools view processed.bam | head -n 1

Download reference genome for test example

For user convienience, we prepared the indexed reference genome files (by bowtie2), which can be downloaded using the following bash commands:

  • GENCODE reference genome FASTA file and index file(indexed by bowtie2): reference.genome.chr1.tar.gz

  • GENCODE genome annotation gtf file: gencode.vM10.annotation.gtf

Note: users may need to edit the code by using their own path. The following code chunk is using bash commands.

$ mkdir /home/users/example/refgenome_dir # may use users' own path
$ cd /home/users/example/refgenome_dir
$ wget # 292 MB
$ wget # 765 MB
$ tar -xf reference.genome.chr1.tar.gz

Step 1: Import packages and data files

Import modules.

import sys, os
import scReadSim.Utility as Utility
import scReadSim.GenerateSyntheticCount as GenerateSyntheticCount
import scReadSim.scATAC_GenerateBAM as scATAC_GenerateBAM
import pkg_resources

The real BAM files and other input files are listed and can be accessed by simply loading the code chunk below:

  • Sample 1 BAM file: 10X_ATAC_chr1_4194444_4599104_rep1.bam

  • Sample 2 BAM file: 10X_ATAC_chr1_4194444_4599104_rep2.bam

  • Sample 1 cell barcode file: barcodes_top1k_ATACrep1.tsv

  • Sample 2 cell barcode file: barcodes_top1k_ATACrep2.tsv

  • chromosome size file: mm10.chrom.sizes

INPUT_genome_size_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/mm10.chrom.sizes')

# List of input cell barcode files
INPUT_cells_barcode_file = [pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/barcodes_top1k_ATACrep1.tsv'),
                            pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/barcodes_top1k_ATACrep2.tsv')]

# List of input BAM files
INPUT_bamfile = [pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/10X_ATAC_chr1_4194444_4599104_rep1.bam'),
                 pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/10X_ATAC_chr1_4194444_4599104_rep2.bam')]

Step 2: Generate features

To pre-process real scATAC-seq data for training, scReadSim segments the reference genome into trustworthy peaks, trustworthy non-peaks and gray ares. First scReadSim prepares the trustworthy peaks and non-peaks for the input BAM file. Then scReadSim defines gray areas as the genomic regions complementary to the trustworthy peaks and non-peaks. Three bed files recording peaks, non-peaks and gray areas will be prepared by scReadSim for following analysis.

Specify scReadSim working directory for outputs

Note: users may need to edit the code by using their own path.

outdirectory = "/home/users/example/outputs" # may use user's own path

Specify pre-installed software paths

Note: users may need to edit the code by using their own path.


Prepare Features

To prepare features for the following analysis, scReadSim utilizes function Utility.scATAC_CreateFeatureSets_MultiSample with following arguments

  • INPUT_bamfile: List of input BAM files (use absolute paths to the BAM files).

  • samtools_directory: Directory of software samtools.

  • bedtools_directory: Directory of software bedtools.

  • outdirectory: Specify the working directory of scReadSim for generating intermediate and final output files.

  • genome_size_file: Directory of Genome sizes file. The file should be a tab delimited text file with two columns: first column for the chromosome name, second column indicates the size.

  • macs3_directory: Path to software MACS3.

  • superset_peakfile: Directory of a superset of potential chromatin open regions, including sources such as ENCODE cCRE (Candidate Cis-Regulatory Elements) collection.

  • OUTPUT_peakfile: Directory of user-specified output peak file. Synthetic scATAC-seq reads will be generated taking OUTPUT_peakfile as ground truth peaks.

Function Utility.scATAC_CreateFeatureSets_MultiSample creates multiple sub-directories under outdirectory for each sample/condition. Within each sub-directory, the following three bed files will be generated for following analysis:

  • peak bed file: scReadSim.superset.peak.bed

  • non-peak bed file: scReadSim.superset.nonpeak.bed

  • gray area bed file: scReadSim.grayareas.bed

# Specify a superset peak list for all samples
superset_peakfile=pkg_resources.resource_filename("scReadSim", 'data/cCRE_mm10_chr1_4194444_4599104.txt')

Utility.scATAC_CreateFeatureSets_MultiSample(INPUT_bamfile=INPUT_bamfile, samtools_directory=samtools_directory, bedtools_directory=bedtools_directory, outdirectory=outdirectory, genome_size_file=INPUT_genome_size_file, macs3_directory=macs3_directory, superset_peakfile=superset_peakfile)

Step 3: Generate real count matrices

Based on the feature sets output in Step 2, scReasSim constructs the count matrices for peaks and non-peaks through function Utility.scATAC_bam2countmat_paral_MultiSample. This function needs user to specify

  • cells_barcode_file: List of cell barcode files corresponding to the input BAM files.

  • INPUT_bamfile: List of input BAM files (use absolute paths to the BAM files).

  • outdirectory: Specify the working directory of scReadSim for generating intermediate and final output files.

  • n_cores: (Optional, default: ‘1’) Specify the number of cores for parallel computing when generating count matrix.

For each sample/condition in its corresponding sub-directory, the following files will be generated for following analysis:

  • Peak-by-cell count matrix: RepX.peak.countmatrix.txt

  • Non-peak-by-cell count matrix: RepX.nonpeak.countmatrix.txt

Utility.scATAC_bam2countmat_paral_MultiSample(cells_barcode_file=INPUT_cells_barcode_file, INPUT_bamfile=INPUT_bamfile, outdirectory=outdirectory, n_cores=1)

Step 4: Simulate synthetic count matrix

In this tutorial, scReadSim implements scDesign2 to generate synthetic count matrix based on the constructed count matrix from the input BAM files. Use function GenerateSyntheticCount.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticCount_MultiSample to generate synthetic count matrix with following paramters

  • INPUT_bamfile: List of input BAM files (use absolute paths to the BAM files).

  • outdirectory: Specify the working directory of scReadSim for generating intermediate and final output files.

  • n_cell_new: (Optional, default: ‘None’) Number of synthetic cells. If not specified, scReadSim uses the number of real cells.

  • total_count_new: (Optional, default: ‘None’) Number of (expected) sequencing depth. If not specified, scReadSim uses the real sequencing depth.

  • n_cores: (Optional, default: ‘1’) Specify the number of cores for parallel computing when generating count matrix.

For each sample/condition in its corresponding sub-directory, the following files will be generated for following analysis:

  • Synthetic peak-by-cell count matrix: RepX.peak.countmatrix.scDesign2Simulated.txt

  • Synthetic peak-by-cell count matrix: RepX.nonpeak.countmatrix.scDesign2Simulated.txt

  • Synthetic cell cluster/type labels: RepX.peak.countmatrix.scDesign2Simulated.CellTypeLabel.txt

  • Real cells’ Louvain clustering labels: RepX.peak.countmatrix.LouvainClusterResults.txt

GenerateSyntheticCount.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticCount_MultiSample(INPUT_bamfile=INPUT_bamfile, outdirectory=outdirectory, n_cores=1)

Step 5: Output synthetic read

Use function scATAC_GenerateBAM.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticRead_MultiSample to generate synthetic reads based on the synthetic count matrices generated from last step. The function takes following input arguments:

  • INPUT_bamfile: List of input BAM files (use absolute paths to the BAM files).

  • outdirectory: Specify the working directory of scReadSim for generating intermediate and final output files.

  • bedtools_directory: Directory of software bedtools.

  • seqtk_directory: Directory of software seqtk.

  • fgbio_jarfile: Path to software fgbio jar script.

  • referenceGenome_file: Reference genome FASTA file that the synthteic reads should align.

  • read_len: (Optional, default: ‘50’) Specify the length of synthetic reads. Default value is 50 bp.

Build reference genome dictionary (optional)

Note that before using function scATAC_GenerateBAM.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticRead_MultiSample, please create the reference dictionary for the reference genome with function CreateSequenceDictionary using software Picard and make sure that the output .dict files are within the same directory to referenceGenome_name.fa.

Note: For this tutorial, no dictionary building is needed since we have built for chr1.fa in reference.genome.chr1.tar.gz. The following code chunk is using bash commands.

$ cd /home/users/example/refgenome_dir # may use users' own path
$ java -jar /home/users/picard/build/libs/picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary \
$       -R chr1.fa \
$       -O chr1.fa.dict

Generate synthetic read

For each sample/condition in its corresponding sub-directory, the following files will be generated by function scATAC_GenerateBAM.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticRead_MultiSample:

  • Synthetic read 1 FASTQ file: RepX.syntheticBAM.combined.read1.bed2fa.sorted.fq

  • Synthetic read 2 FASTQ file: RepX.syntheticBAM.combined.read2.bed2fa.sorted.fq

  • Synthetic read 1 FASTQ file with substitutional error: RepX.syntheticBAM.combined.ErrorIncluded.read1.bed2fa.sorted.fq

  • Synthetic read 2 FASTQ file with substitutional error: RepX.syntheticBAM.combined.ErrorIncluded.read2.bed2fa.sorted.fq

  • Synthetic cell barcode file: synthetic_cell_barcode_repX.txt

Note: users may need to edit the code by using their own path.

# Specify reference genome file path, may use users' own path
referenceGenome_name = "chr1"
referenceGenome_dir = "/home/users/example/refgenome_dir"
referenceGenome_file = "%s/%s.fa" % (referenceGenome_dir, referenceGenome_name)

scATAC_GenerateBAM.scATAC_GenerateSyntheticRead_MultiSample(INPUT_bamfile, outdirectory, bedtools_directory, seqtk_directory, fgbio_jarfile, referenceGenome_file)